Found | Samsonite



Our latest film for premium luggage manufacturer Samsonite showcases the minimalist design of their EVOA-Z suitcase as a piece of art. The setting evokes the ambience of a museum, highlighting the product’s elegant features and exquisite material finishes.

We created a setting reminiscent of an art gallery to complement EVOA-Z’s sophisticated design. Classic but contemporary, the environment and props were designed to resemble the product’s fusion of premium quality, innovation and timeless design.


The minimalistic museum environment allowed us to reflect the suitcase’s classical design within the architecture while incorporating a contemporary twist. The use of mirrors, abstract reflections and portals represents the product’s multidimensional aspect.


Alongside the brand film, we developed a detailed yet user-friendly solution to prioritise flexibility and allow easy modification for each key visual component. This approach enables effortless adjustments to objects, shadows, and reflections as needed, guaranteeing smooth customisations and refinement.


The concept presented the challenge of reflecting the hero object in multiple mirrors whilst retaining compositing flexibility. We added extra passes to maintain control over each grade and future compositions.